A new EVS!

Here I want to introduce to you Florian! He is from Germany and will make the European Voluntary Service in Myslibořice. He has spent some days in Pelhřimov with us. Today, he has gone to his new place for seven months. Good luck in your project!! 😉

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Mid-Term of EVS

When a new European Volunteer arrives to his/her new country, they have an encounter called On-arrival. Its a training course with some other volunteers to get to know each other and also some basic information about the country and the rights and duties they’ll need to know, of their NGOs.

And after more or less the half of the project, its another course call Mid-term. Is the second encounter with the same people from the On-arrival. This time we were in Slunakov Ecological Centre. It was at 7 kilometers from Olomouc (we visited) and we spend there five days all together. Here you can see some pictures.

Also we celebrated the birthday of Bohdanka!!

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Chocolate Hour!!

You don’t know yet what is THE CHOCOLATE HOUR!????

Here you have the event on facebook with all the information! But to make a summary, it will be an hour where you can try and taste chocolates from some places around the world, like Spain, Poland, Germany, Cyprus… Also we are going to make different recipes, and which characteristics chocolate has, and we will show you some photos and videos.

Don’t miss this opportunity!

It will be this thursday at 15:00 in the Culture House of Pelhrimov.


Because we love chocolate!! ^_^